HRI strategic aims
HRI is dedicated to promoting new, high quality research in homeopathy, using the most rigorous methods available, and communicating the results of such work beyond the usual academic circles.
In the current climate where misinformation about homeopathy in the mainstream media is rife, HRI aims to provide decision makers, academics, healthcare practitioners and patients with reliable, academically sound information about homeopathy research.
To achieve these goals, we focus our efforts on the following key areas:
1. Promoting high quality scientific research in homeopathy
- HRI International Homeopathy Research Conferences – HRI’s biennial conferences bring together leading experts in the field worldwide to present their latest findings. These events, typically attended by researchers from 28-30 countries provide a unique opportunity for the sharing of ideas and have generated multiple international collaborations
- Think tanks/expert meetings – by hosting and participating in expert meetings, HRI is able to exchange insights with experts in the various subfields of homeopathy research, for optimal advancement of the field
- Channelling funds to the most promising research projects – expert peer review of protocols by HRI’s Scientific Advisory Committee enables HRI to identify projects with the potential to make a meaningful contribution to the evidence base on homeopathy and to identify any potential pitfalls at an early stage. Passing SAC peer review is a pre-condition for HRI to fund an external project.
2. Communicating the existing evidence base
- Multilingual resources for the public – the HRI website and social media channels bring academically reliable information to a wide international audience, in easy to understand formats. The HRI website is accessed by users in over 50 countries. In response to significant demand, the full site is now available in English and German, whilst the most visited section of our website – Homeopathy FAQs – is available in 12 languages.
- Correcting misinformation – HRI works continually to counter misinformation on the evidence base stemming from flawed academic reports and inaccurate media coverage. HRI’s active involvement in challenging the 2015 Australian NHMRC Homeopathy Report most typifies our work in this area. This remains the most cited study on the evidence base for homeopathy, despite HRI’s analysis having demonstrated that it is so inaccurate, it is not fit for purpose.
- CORE-Hom database – HRI is proud to have collaborated with the highly esteemed Carstens Foundation in Germany on this project. The CORE-Hom database gives direct access to over 1200 clinical research studies on homeopathy database and is freely available to all
- HRI Research in Focus (RIF) Articles – these two page articles present key research findings in a plain English format, similar to magazines such as New Scientist, making high-quality research in homeopathy more accessible
- Expert input to external individuals and organisations – HRI routinely provides reliable, accurate data about research in homeopathy on request.