HRI Year in Review 2024
30 Dezember 2024
As we approach the conclusion of another year, we are delighted to present a summary of some of HRI’s achievements in 2024.
Research Projects
- Otitis media systematic review
- Core outcome set for otitis media study
- Homeopathy use UK survey
- Clificol data collection project
- Basophil degranulation experiments
- Physico-chemical properties of succussed high dilutions
Two of these projects generated peer-reviewed publications this year – the otitis media systematic review (Perry et al. 2024) and the Clificol data collection project (Tournier et al. 2024).
Proceedings from the HRI London 2023 conference were also published in the journal Homeopathy, comprising an Editorial by Rachel Roberts and Dr Angelina Mosley, presenting ‘Insights from a Decade of Cutting Edge Research on Homeopathy’, in addition to the Conference Report and Abstracts.
Other publications by HRI-affiliated researchers included new guidelines for homeopathic basic research by a team led by Dr Alexander Tournier; a systematic review assessing long-term effects of antipyretic drug use co-authored by Dr Esther van der Werf and a critical appraisal of a German cost-effectiveness paper by Leemhuis & Seifurt by Dr Angelina Mosley.
HRI Greece 2025
More than 100 abstracts have been submitted for consideration for our 6th conference, HRI Greece 2025, to be held in Thessaloniki from 20-22 June. The abstracts are currently under peer review, which will inform creation of the scientific programme, due to be announced in early February.
External Presentations
We were pleased to be able to present the latest research in homeopathy to audiences around the world at a range of conferences, media events and expert meetings, including a symposium on homeopathy hosted by the Shanghai Academy of International Standardisation (SAIS-TCM); the Joint American Homeopathic Conference in Washington, USA and the 65th West Bengal State Homeopathic Practitioners‘ Conference in India.
HRI Communications
As part of our ongoing efforts to communicate the latest research findings on homeopathy, we are pleased to have achieved the following in 2024:
- 9 new/updated website resources, including 4 synopses, 4 FAQs and 1 Essential Evidence page.Synopses
Managing healthcare costs with homeopathy
Homeopathic treatment found to be cost-effective when used in addition to usual care for reducing recurrence of tonsillitis
Plants respond to highly diluted homeopathic medicine
Turnip crops benefit from agrohomeopathyFAQs
Scientific evidence for homeopathy
Cost effectiveness
Evidence-based medicineEssential Evidence
Homeopathy use around the world - Appearances in 3 podcasts, by Rachel RobertsDoc Malik podcast, with Ahmad Malik, UK
Feelgoodery, with Kyle Buchanan of ‘The Morning Show’, Canada
The Homeopathy Health Show, with Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, UK - 3 articles published in international media outlets: Cahiers de Biothérapie (France), La Repubblica (Italy) and 21 Stoleti (Czech Republic).
- Publication of HRI’s 2024 evidence summary.
RCT data update
In April, HRI published the latest update of randomised controlled trials in homeopathy, as part of an ongoing collaboration with Dr Robert Mathie. This project was made possible thanks to the generosity of multiple individual donors donating via the HRI website.