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Vertiefen Sie sich in die von uns sorgfältig getroffene Auswahl an weiteren Publikationen zum Thema Homöopathieforschung, die von Filmclips bis zu Artikeln aus Peer-Review-Zeitschriften reichen.


Rachel Roberts – Homeopathy evidence base

Scientists say…homeopathy is not just a placebo

Experts who know the current scientific literature explain how laboratory and clinical studies contradict the idea homeopathy is only a placebo effect.

Dr Alexander Tournier, HRI Executive Director

HRI Executive Director, Dr Alexander Tournier, discusses what has been learned from examining past physicochemical experiments in homeopathy.

How bad science is used to discredit homeopathy

Anaesthesiology expert, Prof Robert Hahn on how, in cases such as the Shang paper, data has been manipulated to show a negative result for homeopathy.

Liesbeth Ellinger on veterinary homeopathy research

Hear why many farmers (the toughest critics!) choose to use homeopathy, plus a first-hand account of her famous triple-blind piglets study.

Dr Concepcion Campa Huergo, Finlay Institute, Cuba

Creator of the meningitis B vaccine explains how and why her priorities
shifted from conventional (‘allopathic’) vaccines to homeopathy research.

Leading Australian lawyer on NHMRC Homeopathy Review

As we await the verdict promised in March 2020, expert chemist and lawyer Dr Teresa Nicoletti explains the four year case against NHMRC.

Experiments show effect of homeopathic medicine on plants

A scientific study, led by a Swiss research group, showed homeopathic arsenic to be more effective for treating poisoned duckweed than water alone.

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