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Artikel aus Peer-Review-Zeitschriften

Peer-Review-Zeitschriften gelten als die zuverlässigste Quelle für wissenschaftliche Informationen. Diese Artikel wurden vom HRI-Team ausgewählt, da sie sicherlich für jeden, der neugierig auf Homöopathieforschung ist, von anhaltendem Interesse sein dürften.

Effect of Nosodes on Lettuce, Parasitized or Not by Meloidogyne enterolobii

Ferreira TM, Mangeiro MZ, Almeida AM
Homeopathy, 2021. 110(4):256-262

Case Reporting in Homeopathy—An Overview of Guidelines and Scientific Tools Open Access

Teut M, van Haselen RA, Rutten L et al.
Homeopathy, 2022 Feb; 111(1): 2-9
Full text

Effects of homeopathic preparations on phenological development and control of insects and diseases of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Open Access

Lösch EL, Gaia MC de M, Longo C et al.
Research, Society and Development, 2021. 10(1), e49610111991
Full text

Adverse effects in homeopathy. A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies

Stub T, Kristoffersen A, Overvåg G. et al.
Explore (NY),
2022. 18(1): 114-128

Homeopathic Treatment as an ‚Add on‘ Therapy May Improve Quality of Life and Prolong Survival in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Open Access

Frass M et al.
2020. doi: 10.1002/onco.13548.
Online ahead of print. Oct 3, 2020
Abstract | Full text

Evaluation of the Efficacy of Crataegus oxyacantha in Dogs with Early-Stage Heart Failure

Balbueno, M; Peixoto, K; Coelho, C
Homeopathy. 2020. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1710021
Online Ahead of Print: July 17, 2020

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