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Artikel aus Peer-Review-Zeitschriften

Peer-Review-Zeitschriften gelten als die zuverlässigste Quelle für wissenschaftliche Informationen. Diese Artikel wurden vom HRI-Team ausgewählt, da sie sicherlich für jeden, der neugierig auf Homöopathieforschung ist, von anhaltendem Interesse sein dürften.

Individually prescribed homeopathic medicines have beneficial effect beyond placebo

Randomised placebo-controlled trials of individualised homeopathic treatment: systematic review and meta-analysis Open Access

Systematic Reviews. 2014 Dec 6;3:142
Mathie RT, Lloyd SM, Legg LA, Clausen J, Moss S, Davidson JR, Ford I
Abstract | Full text

Ruta graveolens causes signs of apoptosis in colon cancer cells

DNA fragmentation and cell cycle arrest: a hallmark of apoptosis induced by Ruta graveolens in human colon cancer cells

Arora S, Tandon S.
Homeopathy. 2015 Jan;104(1):36-47

Homeopathic assessment tool revised for chronic cases

Hering’s Law Assessment Tool revisited: introducing a modified novel version – Patients‘ Response Assessment Tool after Homeopathic Treatment (PRATHoT) in chronic cases

Saha S, Koley M, Arya JS, Choubey G, Ghosh S, Ganguly S, Gosavi T, Ghosh A, Ali SA, Gupta N
J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2014 Oct;19(4):260-6

Pragmatic RCT of adjunctive homeopathy in cancer patients

Influence of adjunctive classical homeopathy on global health status and subjective wellbeing in cancer patients – A pragmatic randomized controlled trial

Frass M, Friehs H, Thallinger C, Sohal NK, Marosi C, Muchitsch I, Gaertner K, Gleiss A, Schuster E, Oberbaum M
Complement Ther Med. 2015 Jun;23(3):309-17

Dr Peter Fisher from the NHS Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine goes head-to-head with arch critic of homeopathy Prof Edzard Ernst

Should homeopathy be recommended by doctors?

Fisher P. Ernst E.
BMJ 2015;351:h3735, 14 Jul 2015
Full text

Study finds homeopathy gives better results than either Prozac or placebo

Homeopathy efficacious in moderate to severe depression in menopausal women Open Access

Macías-Cortés ED, Llanes-González L, Aguilar-Faisal L, Asbun-Bojalil J.
PLoS One. 2015 Mar 13;10(3):e0118440
Abstract | Full text

What about the evidence base for homeopathy?

Letter from Peter Fisher and 47 authors, including HRI Chairman Alexander Tournier, published in the British Medical Journal.
BMJ. 2011 Oct 18;343
AbstractFull text

Clinical researcher with no links to homeopathy speaks out

Homeopathy: Meta-Analyses of Pooled Clinical Data Open Access

Robert G. Hahn
Forsch Komplementmed 2013;20(5):376-81
Abstract | Full text

Is there evidence for homeopathy or not? Why experts have opposing views

Plausibility and evidence: the case of homeopathy

Rutten L, Mathie RT, Fisher P, Goossens M, van Wassenhoven M
Med Health Care Philos. 2013, 16(3): 525-32
Synopsis | Abstract

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