Artikel aus Peer-Review-Zeitschriften
HRI Rome 2015: Presentation Abstracts Open Access
Homeopathy 2016; 110:1-127
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HRI Rome 2015: Homeopathy research gathers worldwide momentum Open Access
Tournier, AL., Roberts, ER.
Homeopathy 2016; 105(01): 2
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Solvatochromic dyes detect the presence of homeopathic potencies Open Access
CORE-Hom: A powerful and exhaustive database of clinical trials in homeopathy Open Access
Clausen J, Moss S, Tournier A, Ludtke R, Albrecht H
Homeopathy 2014; 103: 219-223
Abstract | Full text
Interim results of a randomised controlled trial of homeopathic treatment for irritable bowel syndrome.
Peckham EJ, Relton C, Raw J, Walters C, Thomas K, Smith C, Kapur K, Said E.
Homeopathy 2014, Jul;103(3):172-7
A protocol for a trial of homeopathic treatment for irritable bowel syndrome Open Access
Peckham EJ, Relton C, Raw J, Walters C, Thomas K, Smith C.
BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012, Nov 6;12:212.
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HRI Barcelona 2013: inaugural conference brings homeopathy research into the spotlight Open Access
Roberts ER, Baumgartner S, Mathie RT, Relton C, Thompson E, Tournier A.
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Homeopathy for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome Open Access
Peckham EJ, Nelson EA, Greenhalgh J, Cooper K, Roberts ER, Agrawal A Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013;11:CD009710
Abstract | Full Text
Adverse effects of homeopathy: a systematic review of published case reports and case series – comment by Tournier et al. Open Access
Tournier A, Roberts ER, Viksveen P
Int J Clin Pract. 2013; 67(4):388-9
Full text | Supp. material
Homeopathy Research Institute conference in Barcelona: the first event of its kind in a decade Open Access
Tournier A, Roberts ER
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