New additions to HRI
15 juillet 2021
We are delighted to announce two new additions to HRI, with Dr Esther van der Werf joining us as Clinical Research Lead, and Prof Ashley Ross joining HRI’s Board of Trustees.
Dr van der Werf has a PhD in Epidemiology and more than 20 years’ experience of clinical research and project management, including previous roles at the Centre of Academic Primary Care of the University of Bristol, UK and heading the Integrative Medicine research department at Louis Bolk Institute in The Netherlands. Esther is also a qualified classical homeopath. Although Esther is currently based in the Netherlands, she is currently in the process of moving to the UK to fulfil her new full-time role for HRI.
We are also delighted to welcome Prof Ashley Ross as HRI’s latest addition to the Board Trustees. Prof Ross is a former head of the Department of Homeopathy at Durban University of Technology (DUT), South Africa who has practiced and taught homeopathy for over 25 years. In addition to private practice and the teaching of homeopathic philosophy and materia medica, he has been actively engaged in research supervision across a range of health disciplines as well as pursuing his own research interests. As a Trustee, Prof Ross brings a wealth of insight and experience to the Board, as well as broadening HRI’s ‘in house’ expertise with his substantial experience and knowledge of the sub-field of Provings research.