HRI meets with Public Health England (PHE)
29 juillet 2014
PHE is an executive agency of the Department of Health, which aims to protect and improve the nation’s health and wellbeing, and reduce healt...
HRI Research update – IBS Service Evaluation begins
15 juillet 2014
We are proud to announce that, thanks to the generosity of our donors, a service evaluation assessing the homeopathic treatment of IBS at Barnsley ...
2nd HRI Conference – Rome 2015
5 juillet 2014
HRI is delighted to announce an impressive line up of confirmed keynote speakers for the 2nd HRI International Homeopathy Research Conference: Prof...
Interim results of HRI-supported IBS trial published
1 juillet 2014
Peckham E. J., et al., Interim results of a randomised controlled trial of homeopathic treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. More...
HRI gives input to consultation on flawed Australian NHMRC homeopathy report
2 juin 2014
The Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI) welcomes attempts to critically evaluate the evidence base for homeopathy, providing this is done accuratel...
Health Foundation’s Improvement Science Fellowship programme – application deadline 1 July 2014
8 mai 2014
This senior post-doctoral Fellowship offers three years’ funding to lead original, applied research dedicated to improving healthcare in the UK and...
British Heart Foundation Project Grant
30 avril 2014
For short-term research projects lasting up to three years and costing less than £300,000. Principal investigator will usually be a post-doctoral r...
HRI wins prestigious Outstanding Achievement Award
12 avril 2014
On 11 April 2014 HRI received the annual Outstanding Achievement Award from the Society of Homeopaths, the largest organisation registering homeopa...
HRI You Tube Channel goes live
1 mars 2014
The best way to make up your own mind about something controversial, or to learn more about a new subject, is to hear the facts first-hand. So, if ...
National Institute of Health Research (NIHR)
1 février 2014
Funding opportunities are available for projects within the following programmes: Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME), Public Health Research (...