
Publications du HRI

Découvrez notre collection d’articles rédigés ou commandés par l’équipe du HRI, des résumés de divulgation aux articles scientifiques.

Articles dans des revues scientifiques

Les revues évaluées par des pairs sont considérées comme la source d’information scientifique la plus fiable. Ces articles publiés dans des publications à comité de lecture ont été rédigés par des membres de l’équipe du HRI ou portent sur des projets financés par le HRI.

HRI-funded trial gives rise to first qualitative study of depressed patients' experiences of homeopathy treatment

Depressed patients’ experiences with and perspectives on treatment provided by homeopaths. A qualitative interview study embedded in a trial Open Access

Viksveen P. Relton C.
Eur J Integr Med, 2017; 15:73-80
Full text

HRI-funded trial demonstrates effectiveness of homeopathic treatment for depression

Depressed patients treated by homeopaths: a randomised controlled trial using the “cohort multiple randomised controlled trial” (cmRCT) design Open Access

Viksveen P. Relton C. Nicholl J.
Trials, 2017; 18:299
Full text

HRI-funded project's new findings confirm effect of high dilutions on specialist dyes

Interaction of homeopathic potencies with the water soluble solvatochromic dye bis-dimethylaminofuchsone. Part 1: pH studies Open Access

Cartwright, SJ.
Homeopathy, 2017;106(1):37-46
Full text

HRI affiliated authors

Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy: HRI’s second international research conference in Rome Open Access

Tournier, AL., Roberts, ER.
Homeopathy 2016; 105(01): 3-7
Full text

HRI 2nd international research conference proceedings

HRI Rome 2015: Presentation Abstracts Open Access

Homeopathy 2016; 110:1-127
Full text

HRI affiliated authors

HRI Rome 2015: Homeopathy research gathers worldwide momentum Open Access

Tournier, AL., Roberts, ER.
Homeopathy 2016; 105(01): 2
Full text

HRI-funded project

Solvatochromic dyes detect the presence of homeopathic potencies Open Access

Homeopathy, 2015: 1-11
Cartwright SJ.
Abstract | Full text

HRI-funded project

CORE-Hom: A powerful and exhaustive database of clinical trials in homeopathy Open Access

Clausen J, Moss S, Tournier A, Ludtke R, Albrecht H
Homeopathy 2014; 103: 219-223
Abstract | Full text

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