Completed projects

HRI began funding projects in 2010. A number of projects supported by the Institute have reached completion:

    • Otitis Media systematic review

      This project aimed to assess the effectiveness of homeopathy for Otitis Media (OM) in terms of symptom relief and reduced antibiotic consumption, providing patients, practitioners and stakeholders with clear, comprehensive and objective information for a condition routinely treated with homeopathy.

    • ADHD feasibility study consisting of a pilot randomised controlled trial

      This project was a continuation of the ADHD case series – the next step was a feasibility study consisting of a pilot randomised controlled trial.

    • Randomised controlled trials of homeopathy: examining the evidence

      This large programme of work, funded significantly by the Manchester Homeopathic Clinic, aims to clarify the research evidence in homeopathy that is available from published randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Using the robust methods of systematic review and meta-analysis, the programme aims to identify the study quality and the magnitude of the treatment effect that has been reported in peer-reviewed RCTs.

    • Homeopathy in the treatment of depression

      Findings of HRI-funded research suggest that homeopathy can be effective for patients with depression. Although more research is needed, the best evidence shows homeopathy to be comparable to antidepressants and superior to placebo, with no evidence of harmful side effects.

    • ADHD case series following the treatment of 20 children

      This study found that children receiving homeopathy in addition to conventional care improved more than those who received conventional treatment alone. The homeopathic group was also shown to continue to improve for at least a year after treatment.

    • Pilot study into the Homeopathic treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

      Initial analysis of the results of this study suggest that patients receiving homeopathy in addition to conventional care improved more than those receiving conventional care alone. The homeopathic group also improved more than a control group receiving ‘supportive listening’, suggesting that the clinical improvements seen after homeopathic treatment cannot be attributed entirely to the therapeutic effects of the ‘time and attention’ given to the patient during the consultation.

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