
Clificol is an internet-based database designed to collect clinical cases of homeopaths around the world.

It is supported by all major homeopathic organisations worldwide, is fully GDPR compliant and free-to-access for homeopathic practitioners, who are encouraged to share their cases and experiences on the platform. The database enables the description of clusters of common symptoms per remedy for common complaints, which will help practitioners enhance their daily practice.

The reason for HRI’s involvement in the Clificol project is the potential for this clinical case collection to enable a better understanding of the link between clinical symptoms, remedy prescription and case success/failure (as the case may be). The link between symptom pictures and remedy prescription is at the heart of homeopathy – conceptualised as ‘individualisation’ and ‘law of similars’. Such data collection offers the perspective of better understanding these relationships and testing these core homeopathic concepts.

Learn more about this project

HRI Research in Focus article – Issue 39, Winter 2022
A short, plain language summary of the innovative international data collection project can be found here.

Click here to visit the official Clificol website.

Publications generated by this project

The Symptomatic Expression in Chinese Patients with Suspected COVID-19 Omicron Variant Infection: A Clinical Case Registry Study
Tournier A, Fok Y, van Haselen R et al.
OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 2024; 9(3): 1-26.

Homeopathic Treatment of COVID-19 Patients: Findings of the Clificol International Clinical Case Registry
Tournier A, Fok Y, van Haselen R et al. Integrative Medicine Reports, 2023; 87-96.

Searching for the Genus Epidemicus in Chinese Patients: Findings from the Clificol COVID-19 Clinical Case Registry
Tournier A, Fok Y, van Haselen R et al. Homeopathy, 2023; 112(1):30-39

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