Research strategy
Promoting high quality scientific research in homeopathy
Conducting poor quality research is a waste of time and money.
Therefore, to qualify for support from HRI, projects must first pass a peer review process conducted by our Scientific Advisory Committee. This ‘quality control’ system enables us to confidently channel donations and expertise to only the most promising projects.
Identifying research priorities
HRI’s research strategy involves identifying projects which meet all of the following criteria:
- Investigating an area of significant clinical need i.e. medical conditions for which even the best existing treatments are unsatisfactory or there is no existing treatment (so called ‘effectiveness gap conditions’)
- Existing evidence suggests that homeopathy has the potential to be effective
- It is feasible to design and carry out a suitable trial or experiment which is both ethical and likely to produce useful results.
Through the experience and networks of HRI’s Scientific Advisory Committee we are also able to continually review the status of homeopathy research at a global level. In such a rapidly evolving field, both the research questions being asked and the way we conduct research studies, may need to be adjusted in light of new information being discovered by teams around the world.
By identifying projects which meet HRI’s research strategy and priorities, we can focus our efforts towards areas of greatest clinical need, where homeopathy is likely to be of most benefit.
Rachel Roberts, HRI Chief Executive