HRI Online 2022 – Registration Open
19 januari 2022
We are delighted to announce the launch of HRI’s first online event, with a one day programme featuring many of the leading names in the field of homeopathy research.
The event, taking place on Saturday 25 June 2022, provides a rare opportunity to learn more about key organisations driving forward research in the sector, as well as the latest work by various teams around the world.
An interactive day with keynote-level speakers
The exceptional programme consists of presentations by 12 speakers all of whom have given keynote presentations, either at previous HRI conferences or other international conferences. We will be using the popular interactive Whova platform, enabling you to submit your questions to these experts throughout the day.
Bookings are now open!
Early bird rates are available until Sunday 27 March, with further discounts available to members of partner organisations. Make sure you book early to secure the best possible rate for this unique event.