HRI films

Hear from the experts

At the biennial HRI conferences we gather together some of the biggest names in homeopathy research from around the world, in a forum of intensive collaboration.

As well as filming all presentations, we take these rare opportunities to interview these researchers, giving us deeper insight into the fascinating work they are doing and the stories behind their cutting edge research.

Dr Jésus Antonio López Carvallo, CICESE, Mexico
Dr Carvallo, explains how he became interested in researching the use of homeopathic medicines in aquatic farming, achieving impressive results in fish, shrimp, mussels and oysters.

Scientists say…homeopathy is not just a placebo
Experts who know the current scientific literature explain how laboratory and clinical studies contradict the idea homeopathy is only a placebo effect.

HRI London 2023 Highlights – Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy
The Homeopathy Research Institute’s 5th international research conference once again took place in the heart of London, from 16-18 June 2023.

Exploring Homeopathy Treatment of Wildlife
Veterinary case studies for wildlife involve rescued animals, those injured through human activity, or those cared for by veterinarians in zoological parks. They provide a useful first step in exploring how homeopathy may be able to support the health and well-being of these animals.

Using duckweed to investigate the effectiveness of homeopathy
Duckweed is a small, aquatic plant also known as water lentils. It is extremely sensitive to tiny amounts of impurities. For this reason, it is often used for water quality tests. A scientific study, led by a Swiss research group, showed homeopathic arsenic to be more effective for treating poisoned duckweed than water alone.

Prof Leoni Bonamin, Professor, UNIP, Brazil
Hear how homeopathy is widely used in Brazilian agriculture and has the potential to help with a range of future environmental challenges.

Click here to see Prof Bonamin’s full keynote presentation from HRI London 2019.

Rachel Roberts, Chief Executive, HRI 
A brief summary of our analysis showing bias, errors and misreporting in the highly influential 2015 “Australian Report”.

For more information about the Australian Report and HRI’s role in a submission of complaint to the Commonwealth Ombudsman click here.

Prof Giovanni Dinelli, University of Bologna, Italy 
Investigating use of homeopathic medicines in agriculture. Dinelli explains why he switched careers from developing herbicides to working with ‘agrohomeopathy’, plus the challenges faced by scientists wanting to conduct rigorous research into homeopathy.

Read Prof Dinelli’s research on homeopathic treatment of arsenic-poisoned wheat seedlings.

Dr Elizabeth Thompson, consultant physician in palliative care, UK
Trial design challenges in homeopathic medical research.

Read Dr Thompson’s research in breast cancer patients.

Dr Peter Fisher, Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine UK
Homeopathy for multimorbidity, polypharmacy and resistance to antibiotics

Read about the EPI-3 studies on musculoskeletal, upper respiratory tract and anxiety conditions.

Dr Concepcion Campa Huergo, Finlay Institute, Cuba
Creator of meningitis B vaccine explains her passion for homeopathy research.

Read her team’s study on use of homeopathy to halt a leptospirosis epidemic.

Dr Stephan Baumgartner, University of Bern, Switzerland
Research comparing homeopathy with conventional medicine.

Read some of Dr Baumgartner’s own research here.

Jeremy Sherr, Homeopath and researcher, Israel and Tanzania
30 years of work in the field of homeopathy, with a focus on provings 

Read about Jeremy Sherr’s work to test whether proving symptoms are reproducible and recognisable.

HRI YouTube Channel

Find interviews with the leading researchers in homeopathy and members of the HRI team. With new material being added regularly, subscribe now so you never miss the latest releases.

HRI London 2023 filmed presentations

The first of 38 presentations from the 5th HRI conference in London have been made available online to view free of charge.

HRI London 2019 filmed presentations

38 presentations from the 4th HRI conference in London have been made available online to view free of charge.

HRI Malta 2017 filmed presentations

43 presentations from the 3rd HRI conference in Malta have been made available online to view free of charge.

HRI Rome 2015 filmed presentations

43 presentations from the 2nd HRI conference in Rome are available online free of charge.

HRI Barcelona 2013 filmed presentations

The best researchers from around the world presented their latest findings at our inaugural conference. 40 presentations on experimental, clinical and veterinary homeopathy research are available to view online free of charge.

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