Research in Focus
HRI Research in Focus articles bring you highlights of homeopathy research in a brief, easy to understand ‘New Scientist’ style. They are either written in-house, or by external authors at the invitation of HRI. Most form a simple double-sided document so they are easy to print out and share.
New publications in this series are announced via our e-newsletter.
HRI Barcelona 2013: A significant step forward for homeopathy research worldwide
Rachel Roberts & Dr Alexander Tournier
Summer 2013
First steps towards demonstrating effectiveness of homeopathy in treating cancer
Dr Alexander Tournier
Spring 2013
The development and use of Hering’s Law Assessment Tool (HELAT) in clinical trials
Hugh Harrison
Winter 2012
Nanoparticles, Adaptation and Network Medicine: An Integrative Theoretical Framework for Homeopathy
Prof. Iris Bell
Autumn 2012
Use of plants in basic research in homeopathic potentisation
Dr Stephan Baumgartner et al
Summer 2012
Swiss Federal Government report supports homeopathy claims
Dr Alexander Tournier
Spring 2012
A study of homeopathic practitioners’ perceptions and experiences of the homeopathic consultation
Dr Caroline Eyles
Winter 2011
Homeopathy might save costs and prolong life
Rainer Ludtke
Autumn 2011
Plausibility bias and the controversy around homeopathy
Is there good evidence for homeopathy or not?
Why experts disagree on this fundamental question.
Dr Peter Fisher
Summer 2011
Is it the homeopathic case-taking that helps, or the homeopathic medicine?
Rainer Lüdtke
Spring 2011