HRI’s commitment to donors

Transparency and updates

The results of all HRI-funded research projects are expected to be published – whether positive or negative. Researchers are required to provide regular updates to the HRI Board of Trustees so that progress can be continually monitored. Donors will receive updates on projects they have funded as well other aspects of HRI’s work. HRI accounts are audited and can be accessed via the Charity Commission website.

Ensuring best use of resources

Conducting poor quality research is an unethical waste of both time and money. For this reason it is an HRI requirement that projects we fund are in line with our research strategy and pass peer review by our Scientific Advisory Committee. This ensures that funds are only used for worthwhile projects of a sufficiently high quality to produce academically rigorous results.

HRI terms and conditions

Dr Alexander and Rachel Roberts

We know that donors expect their gifts to fund research, not administration. HRI therefore aims to keep its management costs below 12%, so that our overheads are covered by supplementary income from the Gift Aid tax scheme. If we are able to claim Gift Aid on a donation the full amount of the gift is passed on to research; if we are unable to claim Gift Aid, a 5% fee is charged towards HRI overheads.

We are delighted to have the ongoing support of our patrons, but further financial help is needed if HRI is to achieve its goals and unlock the full potential of homeopathic medicine.

Thank you for your support.

Alexander Tournier and Rachel Roberts
HRI Management Team

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